Wednesday, February 25, 2009

2010 Ford Fusion is best gas-electric hybrid yet

By James R. Healey, Read the story here USA TODAY

OK, let's just get it out there: The 2010 Ford Fusion hybrid is the best gasoline-electric hybrid yet.
What makes it best is a top-drawer blend of an already very good midsize sedan with the industry's smoothest, best-integrated gas-electric power system. It's so well-done that you have to look to the $107,000 Lexus LS 600h hybrid to come close. Fusion's $28,000 starting price is more or less in reach, the driving feel is good, and the interior has a premium look and feel.
There are three facets to consider in evaluating a gasoline-electric hybrid: the underlying vehicle itself, the hybrid system and the mileage.

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